Create Your First Chrome Extension.

David Baiye
2 min readMay 31, 2022


Have you ever thought of creating your chrome extension? I’ll show you how to create a straightforward Chrome extension in this post. The idea is a Chrome extension that launches your socials.

Down to business

Your chrome extension has to start with a manifest.json file, and the file contains everything about your extension.

Your manifest.json should look like this:

The “action” contains everything our extension might perform, we also need permissions to the active tab because our popup will be shown on the active tab.

Our default popup refers to popup.html, and because of that everything on popup.html will show as our popup.

The popup.html should look like this:

The structure and looks of our extension have been built.

Now, since we’ve also added the manifest.json file we are ready to add this project as an extension to our Chrome browser.

For that, we need to go to Select More Tools and then choose Extensions from the browser menu.

After choosing Extensions, it redirects to the extensions page in Chrome. Make sure to enable the Developer mode here.

Once that’s done, you need to click the Load unpacked button which will allow us to load our project in the Chrome extension store.


If you have some knowledge about basic front-end dev you can build awesome Chrome extensions.

Happy Coding!

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