How to 10X your productivity in 2mins.

David Baiye
2 min readNov 15, 2022


4 tips for developers to improve productivity

Photo by Soundtrap on Unsplash

#1 Listen to music

You might think that listening to music might confuse you while coding but you don’t have to listen to all those confusing songs, listen to instrumentals on Spotify. Here are some great playlists of songs to listen to

  1. Lofi meditation
  2. Lofi beats
  3. Focus Flow
  4. Lofi Coding (beats to chill/relax to)

#2 Don’t open social media

Alright, this one is general advice for anyone who wants to be productive in life. When you decide that you want to write code and you open up Instagram you start scrolling you wouldn’t feel the boost you had when you decided to work. A great way to help you stay away from social media while working is to install a blocker for social media apps. A great chrome extension for blocking social media is BlockSite.

#3 Don’t sit in one place for too long

If you are going to be coding or studying for a long time you should keep in mind you need to take some short breaks, for example, after studying/coding for 30-minutes you can move around your workspace for a few minutes doing things like push-ups, stretches or you could leave your workspace and go for a short walk.

#4 Close un-related tabs

When you might decide to work on a certain project or study something specific, you might have some extra tabs opened up in your web browser, make sure to close those tabs so you don’t get distracted and stray away from your goals.

Alright everyone that’s all I have to say for this article make sure to put this into practice so that you can be more productive while coding/studying.

Make sure to hit that clap and follow button, Pro tip: It’s completely free.


