The GitHub tool you wish you found sooner.

David Baiye
2 min readOct 1, 2022


A great tool for your GitHub readme file

Photo by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

Hello guys, welcome, Here is a great tool I wish I found out sooner, It’s a GitHub stats API for your Github profile.

How does it work? and who created it?

The GitHub readme stats API retrieves a GitHub user's stats, such as the user’s total stars earned, total commits, total issues, and total repositories they have contributed to. The API also has stats for the top languages used by a user, and stats of a repository.

The GitHub readme stats API was created by Anurag Hazra.

What does it look like?

User stats
User Top languages stats

How can I check my stats?

You can put your GitHub username into the username query. Another great thing about this API is that you can change the color of your card, and you can also change the colors in the query.

Instead of all this, why don’t we have a website for it, well here’s a website: Github user stats

Alright, that’s a wrap for this one, If you would love to contribute to any of these projects, these are their links: Github readme stats and Github User Stats.

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