This is how I read premium articles on Medium for free!

David Baiye
2 min readNov 30, 2022


Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

Hello there! and Welcome to this article! Today I’m going to share a trick that I’ve been using to read premium articles on Medium for free and also how to use paid benefits/services online for free! THIS IS FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!, PLEASE MEDIUM DON’T BAN ME

Have you ever seen a website that offers a limited volume of paid benefits/ services to free users? These kinds of websites can easily be manipulated and can be used completely for free.

So a few months ago, I was busy with a job that needed me to convert word documents to pdf files, but I wouldn’t have been able to do that since the website I was using only allowed me to convert one file in 24hrs! That was mad, and I couldn’t wait that long.

So how can you use these websites completely for free?

Some of these websites don’t require users to signup to get these volumes of “paid” services. So how do they know if you have used a limited amount of their service? They keep track of these using cookies! And with my 2.5 years of coding experience, I understood that I could easily refresh the cookies and the website would not know about me or how I used it a few minutes ago. There are many websites you could manipulate with this trick, including a very popular and widely used website, Medium.

How does this work?

As I mentioned before, these websites use cookies to keep track of whether you have used a specific service in the past, but with big technology websites like Spotify, these tricks can’t work. On Spotify, as a free user, you can’t have more than 6 skips per hour on songs, but sadly we can’t manipulate this because not only does Spotify require you to have an account to listen to any music, but they also keep track of your skips on their databases.

While on Medium you don’t need an account to read articles and also Medium gives you access to 3 premium articles for free per month! So I can open a new guest tab, read 3 premium articles, close the guest tab open a new one, and read another 3 premium articles because guest tabs always clear cookies when they are closed.

But Instead of opening and closing a new guest window, you could pay for the Medium subscription if you really have the money

Thanks for reading!!, Also, don’t forget to clap on this post, and share with others.

