Top 3 JS Game Development Libraries

David Baiye
3 min readApr 27, 2022


Have you ever thought of creating your own game?

If you are a JavaScript programmer and you want to create your own web-based game, here are some libraries to help you with the creation of your game.

Pixi JS.

If your game is a 2d game, then Pixi JS is right for you.


  1. PixiJS’ strength is speed. When it comes to 2D rendering, PixiJS is the fastest there is.

2. Friendly, feature-rich API lets PixiJS take care of the fundamentals whilst you focus on producing incredible multiplatform experiences.

3. PixiJS is Open Source, with a large and supportive community pushing its growth and evolution.

What is PixiJS for? Everything! Pixi. js is a rendering library that will allow you to create rich, interactive graphic experiences, cross-platform applications, and games without diving into the WebGL API or grappling with the intricacies of browser and device compatibility.

Tech giants such as Facebook have PixiJS as one of their recommended technologies for their Instant Games platform due to its lightweight, super-performant nature. It allows the creation of beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

Visit: to add Pixi JS to your new video game.


Phaser.js official website

Phaser is a wildly popular open-source HTML5 game engine with capabilities to publish to any app store, It composes interactive 3d worlds, and displays stunning video texture-filled graphics in real-time. It includes everything you need to load an image, create object physics with Box2D or Chipmunk, animate sprites, plays music, and much more.

Phaser.JS is a free and open-source javascript game development framework created in 2011 and maintained and released by Photon Storm Ltd.

Phaser.js uses both a Canvas and WebGL renderer internally and can automatically swap between them based on browser support. This allows for fast rendering across desktop and mobile. It uses the Pixi.js library for rendering.



Three.js official website

Three. js is a powerful library for creating three-dimensional models and games. With just a few lines of JavaScript, you can create anything from simple 3D patterns to photorealistic, real-time scenes. You can build simple and complex 3D geometrics, animate and move objects through a lifelike scene, and more. There are lots of open source files and documentation on the official website to help developers get started.


Here you have it, the top 3 js game dev libraries 2022, Comment on your favorite game development library in the comment section.

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