Top 8 Web 3.0 learning resources for free: Websites, Youtube Channels, Courses

David Baiye
3 min readOct 5, 2022


Learn Web 3.0 with these learning resources

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

If you want to learn web 3.0 at 0 cost and get a lot of job opportunities then this article is for you.

In this post, I’ll enumerate 8 learning resources for blockchain development. Share this with all your friends learning Blockchain development.

Let’s start with the 3 websites for learning Web 3.0


Cryptozombies is an interactive website that teaches everything about creating your dApps. Crytozombies teaches Solidity and web3.js.

Their course on Interacting with smart contracts using web3.js requires you to have HTML, and JavaScript knowledge.

#2 is a fantastic website to get you started with web 3.0 development, also has courses for advanced levels. even has tutorials on web2(React and Next.js), Even though they don’t have tutorials for HTML, CSS, or JavaScript, they mention great resources for learning basic programming in their Intro to programming tutorial. has great tutorials on interacting with smart contracts using Ethers.js

#3 ChainShot by Alchemy

ChainShot by alchemy is a great website for learning web 3.0 development, they focus 100% on Ethereum and Solidity, so they don’t have courses for Ethers.js or Web3.js

Here are 2 youtube channels you can learn from

#4 Dapp University

Dapp University

Dapp university is a great youtube channel for those learning web 3.0 development, whether you have prior coding experience or not, Dapp University is a great place to start. Dapp University is also a great place for all the latest blockchain news.

#5 EatTheBlocks


EatTheBlocks like Dapp University is a great place to learn Solidity, Smart Contracts and communication of a smart contract and a Front-end app.

Courses to learn Web 3.0

#6 FreeCodeCamp smart contract course: JavaScript Edition

FreeCodeCamp web3.0 course

This freeCodeCamp course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts related to blockchain, smart contracts, Solidity, ERC20s, full-stack Web3 dapps, decentralized finance (DeFi), JavaScript, TypeScript, Chainlink, Ethereum, upgradable smart contracts, DAOs, the graph, moralis, aave, IPFS, and more.

#7 JavaScript Mastery’s Web 3.0 course

JavaScript Mastery’s Web3.0 course

JavaScript Mastery’s course is a beginner-friendly course that will help you in creating your first dApp.

#8 Dapp University Solidity course

Dapp University’s solidity course

Dapp University has a very cool course for solidity and all it’s applications.

Alright guys that’s it for this one, if you enjoyed this article don’t forget to clap and follow(Pro tip: It’s free)

